37th Meeting of the ISHR-ES
Date | Place | Program | Photos |
10-13 July 2023 | Porto, Potugal | Program | Photo Gallery (below) |

Porto 2023
Award Winners
Medal of Merit
Renée Ventura-Clapier
Guy Vassort
ISHR-ES Ketty Schwartz Award
Manuela Zaccolo
Travel Grant Award Winners
Each receiving €500 to attend the ISHR meeting in Porto.
Name | Country |
Louk Timmer | Netherlands |
Eirini Kyriakopoulou | Netherlands |
Olivia Johnstone | UK |
Inez Duursma | Netherlands |
Erda Alizoti | Germany |
Kirsty Wadmore | UK |
Joshua Chung | Belgium |
Ido Weiser-Bitoun | Israel |
Mohammed Obeidat | UK |
Katharina Ermer | Germany |
Anton Xu | Germany |
Induja Perumal | Italy |
Giulia Guerra | Italy |
Sara Delgado Tomás | Spain |
Photo Gallery

Jolanda van der Velden presenting Jennifer Davis with the plaque for the Janice Pfeffer Distinguished Lecture that she gave in Porto, a prize that was awarded by the International Council in 2023

Mauro Giacca, chair of ISHR-ES presenting the ISHR-ES Medal of Merit to Renée Ventura-Clapier

Mauro Giacca, chair of ISHR-ES presenting the ISHR-ES Medal of Merit to Guy Vassort

Mauro Giacca, chair of ISHR-ES presenting the ISHR-ES Ketty Schwartz Award to Manuela Zaccolo

Best presenters in the Young Investigator ECI/MCI session

Travel Grant Award Winners 2023

Christoph Maack - President-elect of ISHR-ES

Zoltán Papp - Secretary of ISHR-ES

Frank Lezoualc’h – Organizer of the next ISHR-ES meeting in Toulouse, 2024


Audience 1

Audience 2

Audience 3

Audience 4

Metin Avkirin

Eva van Rooij

Paula da Costa Martins and Inês Falcão Pires, who organized the ISHR-ES meeting in Porto